Contact Us
Mobile : 07745 044612
Your call is important to us. If your call is unable to be answered personally please try later or send a text message as we may be driving/supervising.
Our driving instructors will not answer calls while driving or while instructing a learner driver, as it is illegal to answer a hand-held mobile telephone whilst doing so, and our driving instructors have their mobile telephones muted so as not to distract the learner driver under instruction. Alternatively please text your enquiry with your full name along with your pickup point and your availability and an instructor will answer your enquiry within 24 hours.

Use of hand-held mobile telephones while driving/supervising
The RTA, "Road Traffic Act", prohibits a person (driving instructor/supervising driver) from using a hand-held mobile telephone or a hand-held device while supervising a holder of a provisional driving licence (learner driver), whilst the learner is driving.
You can receive 6 penalty points and a £200 fine if you use a hand-held mobile telephone when driving.
Your driving licence will be cancelled (revoked) if you get 6 or more penalty points within 2 years of passing your driving test. You will have to apply and pay for a new provisional driving licence and pass both theory and practical parts of the driving test again to get a full driving licence.